Delay, no follow through, emotional agony waiting for professionalism.
DELAY: to not do what you need to do in a timely manner
FOLLOW THROUGH: to strike beyond the point of contact or doing what you say you will do when you say you will do it
PROFESSIONALISM: aparently just another damn "ism" nobody gives a crap about.
WOW - where is Lee at today? WAITING AGAIN
I just do not understand why people believe they can get away with performing poorly at best. Seems to me I am surrounded by people who do not perform at all, or whenever thay damn well please!
If anyone out there in the electron microworld is paying any attention please help me understand the concept of Turkish people who do what they want to the level they want in a time frame they change constantly, and finally could give a SHIT if they read muchless adhere to the terms of even the simplest contract!
"I will complete the contracted task within 20 days or less" What the hell is so confusing about that is 20 something different in Turkish than it is in English?
Screw them! I don't want another Turk working on this project!
Peace even if you are a neglectful Turk who believes getting away with it is cursory to survival!