
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Anger is setting in now

Well here we go! Silly season has started and people are finally stating how they have felt over the last four years or more in America! Things like "the last four years were torture..." and so on.

Well if the last four years were such torture why the hell didn't you say so four years ago? If you hated John Kerry so much but thought Bush was just a known quantity, you could have written in your own name! Or you could have just shown up!

That failed, you could have written to your congressmen in droves asking for indictment on propagation of an illegal war and constitutional rights violations so numerous no one person can count them now. Indict, Impeach, and convict the entirety of the executive branch.

PLEASE Mr Obama, do not hand out the cursory presidential pardon!!!! Please for the love of country, and the respect of the world do not give anyone from the current executive branch of the American Government that Presidential Pardon. Let the United States take care of it in house and show the rest of the world that we CAN hold ourselves accountable.

You were a candidate and now a President Elect who won on change, WE AGREE!

I can see it now, if we don't formulate and prefer charges against them that it will happen in a world court. The damage caused, and the lives lost or ruined in all sectors of the world population have been too great for them not to be held accountable for their deeds.

Just because there is a tradition that the new president gives the past president a pardon, does not make it right. I can't think of any president who has lied like Bush, and those lies have cost so many lives directly and indirectly.

I am begging you for the good of of all that is human in this existence, hold him and his advisers accountable!


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