I got a message from a friend this morning, just like every morning, but today I realized I was doing something I really don't like. The message was really short, went something like this...
Hey Lee I'm working on that, have you heard from so and so lately?
That was pretty much it. The important part is not that they are working on that thing, more so that neither of us have heard from 'so and so.' Even more important is that I have not tried to contact 'so and so' in a long time.
What am I doing? This is a friend, I consider this person to be a very good friend! Good enough friend that during traumatic times I have let this friend cry on my chest when the were overwrought with emotional pain. I am a guy, a pretty normal one, and we don't let just anyone cry on our chest. When I was getting a divorce this was the person who did not judge me, who understood my pain!
I have allowed myself to get all wound up in what I am doing, and forgotten the integrity of Friendship. True friends are kind of hard to come by, so we need to not abuse or neglect the one's we have!
I have sent this friend a letter of apology, I hope she accepts it!
I love you Les and I am sorry